Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Voice of God- part two

The 70 years Captivity, found in Jeremiah 29:10

1. The Proclaiming Prophet, who proclaimed this time prophecy was Jeremiah; which means, 'Yahweh is exalted', 'Yahweh strikes'. Just read through the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations, and you will find that he was the prophet who gave the most scathing rebukes to ancient Israel, while at the same time exalting Jehovah.

2. The Gathering Prophet, was Daniel; which means 'God is my Judge'.He studied the seventy year prophecy, of Jeremiah, and knew that it was about to come to its close. So he prayed for his people, as we see in Daniel 9; and was used to gather the Jews to return to Jerusalem. Unfortunately, only a remnant returned, and those who remained, suffered the threat of the death decree.

Daniel, was a very unique prophet, in that he was not only a Gathering Prophet, but at the termination of the 70 years, he also became a Proclaiming Prophet of the prophecies found in the 2300 days prophecy:

490 years, found in Daniel 9:25

483 years, found in Daniel 9:25

Gathering Prophet, was John the Baptist; which means, 'Yahweh is gracious'. Yes truly, the love and kindness, and the grace of God was no more evident than when Jesus was on earth, revealing the fullness of the love of God toward sinful man. The remnant who gladly received the message of John, were his disciples and the disciples of Jesus Christ. To reject the message of John, which pointed you to the Lamb of God, would mean eternal death; for there is no salvation apart from the Christ crucified!

The Termination of the 2300 days: 1844

The final Gathering Prophet, was Ellen Gould White. She is the prophet who was raised up to take the final Church, Laodicea,through to the second coming of Christ. What is so amazing is that her name actually fits with the work that Jesus is longing to do in His Church, in these closing moments of earth's probation. Let's first define the reformation that God is seeking to do among Laodicea:

'And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and POOR , and BLIND, and NAKED..' Jesus lays out in clear tones, what our condition is in these last days. He says we are 'POOR, BLIND, and NAKED.'

Our misery and wretchedness is all because of this state that we are in. What do these things mean spiritually?

1. 'I counsel thee to buy of me GOLD TRIED IN THE FIRE, that thou mayest be RICH...' So what will make us rich, is the GOLD. The fact that we are POOR, implies that we are NOT RICH; we do not have this GOLD. What does GOLD represent in the Bible?

'That the TRIAL OF YOUR FAITH, being much more precious than of GOLD that perisheth, though it be TRIED WITH FIRE, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Chris..'{1 Peter 1:7}

Gold represents having a faith that will stand the fires of trial, hardship, persecution and pain.

2.'...and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and [that] the shame of thy nakedness do not appear..' So what will clothe us, is the WHITE RAIMENT. The fact that we are NAKED, implies that we are NOT CLOTHED; we do not have this WHITE RAIMENT. What does WHITE RAIMENT represent in the Bible?

'And to her was granted that she should be ARRAYED in FINE LINEN, clean and WHITE: for the fine linen is the RIGHTEOUSNESS of saints.'{Revelation 19:8}

White raiment symbolises Christ's righteousness(perfect character) being lived out in and through His people.

3.'...and anoint thine eyes with EYESALVE, that thou mayest SEE.' {Revelation 3:14-18}

So what will give us sight, is EYESALVE. The fact that we are BLIND, means that we can NOT SEE; we do not have this EYESALVE on our eyes. What does EYESAKVE represent?

'The eye is the sensitive conscience, the inner light of the mind...The "EYESALVE", the WORD OF GOD, makes the conscience smart under its application; for it convicts of sin.'{Review and Herald, Nov. 23, 1897}

This is the work that Jesus desires to do in the Church just before He comes to take us home.

Let us keep in the forefront of our minds, that THE DEFINITION OF THE PROPHET'S NAME ALWAYS REPRESENT THE MINISTRY THAT GOD IS SEEKING TO DO AMONG HIS PEOPLE AT THAT TIME. Ellen Gould White, is the final Gathering Prophet, and sure enough her name fits in with the ministry of Christ unto the Laodiceans. Friends, she is the one whom God has raised up, to answer to the need of the Seventh- Day Adventist Church, in its Laodicean condition. Let us see:

Ellen: 'Bright and shining lamp'. 'THY WORD[is] a LAMP unto my feet, and a light unto my path.'{Psalm 119:105}.

The Word of God- Eyesalve. The writings of Sister White, were written to lead us back to the true understanding of the Word of God.

Gould: Is an old English word, for GOLD- Faith. White: This means just that, WHITE, CLEAN- The Righteousness of saints.

Harmon was her maiden name: 'A soldier of peace'- She was raised up for the time period when God's people will be in the anti-typical Day of Atonement. Her messages therefore, were given to lead us into the Most Holy Place experience, where we become at-one with Christ.

However, Sister White wasn't just a Gathering Prophet. There are certain prophets in the Bible, who fall under the category of, 'Connecting Link Prophets.' This simply means, that they stand in the midst of two dispensations, leading you from one dispensation to the other. A dispensation, is a Divinely ordained religious system.

1. Noah- In the Garden of Eden, God's people would worship Him at the Eden's Gate. The first thing that Noah did when he came out of the ark, is that he built an altar and worshipped The LORD. The order of worship changed from the gate of Eden to altars.

2. Moses- Changed the order of worship from altars to the earthly sanctuary.

3. John the Baptist- From the earthly sanctuary to the heavenly sanctuary (Sister White calls him a Connecting Link Prophet)

4. Ellen- From the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place.

Mrs. White stands in the same category as Noah, Moses and John the Baptist. The messages given to her isn't just life and death, because she is a Gathering Prophet, but also because she is a Connecting Link Prophet: The writings which hace been mocked at, slighted, and despised by God's professed people, are the very writings that lead us into the Most Holy Place experience; where our characters are being purified for the seal of God! Friends, THIS IS SERIOUS. be concluded in part 3 of this note. We will look at more conclusive evidence from the Word of God, that proves that her messages are none other than 'The Voice of God', to The Seventh-Day Adventist Church.........

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