'And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.' {Revelation 18:1-4}
Let's lay some foundation: Revelation 10 is dealing with the beginnings of Adventism. Here's a brief summary:The MIGHTY ANGEL is Christ (Matt 17:2;Rev 1:15).
'The Mighty angel who instructed John was no less a personage than Jesus Christ.'{7BC 971}
The LITTLE BOOK is the book of Daniel. The books of Daniel and Revelation are ONE. In Daniel12, we see the book of Daniel being SEALED UP until 1798.
'In the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end. Here is the complement of the book of Daniel. One is a prophecy; the other a revelation. The book that was SEALED is not the Revelation, but that PORTION OF THE PROPHECY OF DANIEL RELATING to THE LAST DAYS. The angel commanded,''But thou,O Daniel,shut up the words, and seal the book,even to the time of the end.''Daniel12:4.'{AA 585}
So the book in Revelation10, that was opened is the time when the book of Daniel gets UNSEALED.
FOOT ON SEA;FOOT ON LAND: 'This position denotes His supreme power and authority over the WHOLE EARTH.'{7BC 971.3}
'The angel's position signifies the WIDE EXTENT OF THE PROCLAMATION OF THE MESSAGE. It will CROSS THE BROAD WATERS and be proclaimed in OTHER COUNTRIES,even to ALL THE WORLD.'{7BC 971.8}
CRIES AS A LION: Signifies the work that Christ did during this history of UNSEALING the book of Daniel. In Revelation 5:5,Christ is the Lion of the tribe of Judah,who does the work of UNSEALING.
SEVEN THUNDERS: These are uttered AS SOON AS the book of Daniel gets UNSEALED.
TIME NO LONGER: 'This time,which the angel declares with a solemn oath,is not the end of this world's history,neither of probationary time,but of PROPHETIC TIME. That is,the peopl e will NOT HAVE ANOTHER MESSAGE UPON DEFINITE TIME. The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844.'{7BC 971}.
EATING THE BOOK: John is going back to the experience of the Advent ppl in verse 1.
PROPHESY AGAIN: John represented God's people at the end of the world. How did John(God's people)PROPHESY about this? He (they)did so by EXPERIENCING IT. So God's Church is told that WE MUST GO THROUGH THIS WHOLE EXPERIENCE AGAIN.The Millerite history gets REPEATED!
'I am often referred2the parable of the ten virgins[1840-1844:Great Controversy]. This parable HAS BEEN &WILL BE FULFILLED 2 THE VERY LETTER..'{RH,Aug 19, 1890}
In Revelation 22:10,11,John is told to seal not the sayings in Revelation. The fact that it says 'seal not', would make one think that it was something which was already opened, and John was told not to close it. But that's not what it is saying. The reason why John should not seal it, is because THE TIME IS AT HAND for probation to close.THAT IS THE REASON. So before the time arrived, it was SEALED. What the verse is saying,is, UNSEAL the sayings, BECAUSE we have NOW REACHED THE TIME for Michael to stand up. There's only one thing in the book of Revelation that was SEALED UP, and that is THE SEVEN THUNDERS.
What I am saying, is that in agreement with Revelation 10:11, the Millerite history gets REPEATED; and it gets REPEATED JUST BEFORE THE CLOSE OF HUMAN PROBATION!
That is why Inspiration says: 'After these seven thunders uttered their voices,the injunction comes2 John as2 Daniel in regard2 the little book:''Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered.''These relate to FUTURE EVENTS which will be disclosed in their ORDER..'{7BC 971}.
What has this got to do with Revelation 18?
The First Angel's Message in Revelation 14:6: 'And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,having the everlasting gospel2 preach un2 them that dwell on the EARTH, and to EVERY NATION, and KINDRED, and TONGUE, and PEOPLE.'
In Revelation 10, we established that the Mighty Angel who takes the First Angel's Message AROUND THE WORLD, is Christ. So the First Angel in Revelation 14, is Christ.
The Second Angel's Message in Revelation 14:8: 'And there followed another angel saying, Babylon is fallen,is fallen, that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.'
This message was applicable to the churches in America, who in June of 1842, closed their doors to the message that Miller and his associates were proclaiming.
Revelation 14 is dealing with the same history as Revelation 10.
Inspiration ties the experience under the FIRTS ANGEL'S MESSAGE, with the experience that will take place under the ANGEL OF REVELATION 18:
'The ANGEL WHO UNITES IN THE PROCLAMATION OF THE THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE is to LIGHTEN THE WHOLE EARTH with his glory. A work of WORLD-WIDE EXTENT & unwonted power is here foretold. The ADVENT MOVEMENT OF 1840-1844 was a glorious manifestation of the power of God; the FIRST ANGEL'S MESSAGE was carried to EVERY MISSIONARY STATION IN THE WORLD..The great work of the gospel is NOT TO CLOSE WITH LESS MANIFESTATION OF THE POWER OF GOD THAN MARKED ITS OPENING.{Mar 20}
The Fourth Angel has TWO voices.
Revelation 18:1: 'And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having GREAT POWER; and the EARTH WAS LIGHTENED WITH HIS GLORY.'
This is the REPEAT of when the FIRST Angel's Message was EMPOWERED.
First Voice : 'And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.'
This is the REPEAT of the Second Angel's Message
Second Voice: 'And I heard ANOTHER VOICE from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.'
This is the LOUD CRY which is the REPEAT of the MIDNIGHT CRY, that arrived on August 12th through to 17th, at the Exeter campmeeting, in New Hampshire. The time when the Advent believers gathered together. It was after the first disappointment, and here they realised that they not only calculated the year of the termination of the 2300 days, but also the very month and day. This brought about a great empowerment to the Second Angel's Message, which arrived prior to that time. However, they were reluctant to venture out and call their fellow brethren out of the fallen churches. Nevertheless, at the MIDNIGHT CRY, they left that campmeeting and within only a short space of time from August to October, they went around every state in America calling the members out of Babylon. Here we see the Latter Rain poured out immeasurably upon the movement.
The whole experience of 1840-1844, was the time of the Latter Rain, but it increased throughout that period. Has the Fourth Angel's Message arrived yet? Has the repeat of the Millerite history arrived yet?
The message for the hour for the advent people, was the First Angel's Message. It was proclaimed before 1840, but on August 11th, 1840, Jesus used the Second WOE TO EMPOWER the PRESENT TRUTH MESSAGE.
Our message, since 1844, is the Third Angel's Message. There will come a time when it will get EMPOWERED. Once again, Jesus has used one of the WOES TO EMPOWER the PRESENT TRUTH MESSAGE:
On September 11th, 2001, the THIRD WOE kicked into our history; and sure enough it was the repeat of what transpired on August 11th, 1840.
The 3 woes are the 5th, 6th and 7th trumpets. The woes are one of many TRIPLE APPLICATIONS OF PROPHECY:
Take the characteristics of the FIRST time an event takes place; combine that with the characteristics of the SECOND time an event happens; and you have defined the THIRD fulfillment.
1. Islam.
2. They would TORMENT the armies of Rome[the 7 European nations].
3. Mode of warfare-strike suddenly and unexpectedly.
4. They were directed by their prophets.
1. Islam.
2. SLAY the armies of Rome.
3. Strike suddenly & unexpectedly but with gunpowder[explosives].
4. Directed by their prophets.
5. UNION OF NATIONS come together to deal with the fate of radical Islam
6. Fulfilment of Revelation 9.
7. Their attacks made way for the new head in Bible prophecy [see Revelation 17]:U.S.A
1. Islam.
2. TORMENTING AND SLAYING the armies of Rome[In 1989, the U.S.A repeated the giving of arms to the Papacy, that the 7 European nations did,beginning in 496 to 508]. SLAYING, because the attacks from radical Islam, will continue to get more and more aggressive and will lead the U.S.A to surrender its national sovereignty.
3. On 9/11, they struck suddenly and unexpectedly using EXPLOSIVES.
4. Directed by their leader.
5.Their attacks will make way for the next head in Bible prophecy:the One World Government, with the Beast power resurrected.
6. 9/11 has brought about and will continue to bring about a UNION OF NATIONS in the name of TERRORISM. This is the power that according to Genesis 16:12, will bring every man's hand against it. Islam is the power that will bring the world to its knees. It did the same in the 1840's.
7. Fulfillment of Testimonies 9.
The Latter Rain has begun.
The Sealing has begun=
The Angel of Rev18 HAS ARRIVED!
The next step we are waiting for, is the REPEAT OF THE SECOND ANGEL'S MESSAGE: The SUNDAY LAW ARRIVING IN THE U.S.A. At that time, the churches who were blessed with the greatest amount of light, but rejected the PRESENT TRUTH MESSAGE, will end up receiving strong delusion and holding doctrines of devils. They will join the ranks of the opposition, and finally be ranked with BABYLON.
In other words, PROBATION CLOSES FOR SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS AT THE SUNDAY LAW, in the U.S.A. Then it will rapidly spread across the globe, and the SECOND ANGEL'S MESSAGE will swell into a LOUD CRY; and those in the fallen churches,who take heed to the message,will separate themselves from Babylon and join with the commandment keeping people.
Hold Fast 'Til I Come
Sweet promise is given to all who believe
Behold I come quickly Mine own to receive
Hold fast 'til I come
The danger is great
Sleep not as do others
Be watch ful and wait!
Hold fast 'til I come
Sweet promise of Heaven
The kingdom restored to you shall be given
Come enter My joy
Sit down on My throne
Bright crowns are in waiting
Hold fast 'til I come!
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